Our friendship with Pieter began in Juneau, Alaska in 1999. We were all part of a 10 day Alaska Discoveries wilderness adventure called Grizzlies and Glaciers. We camped and kayaked on Admiralty Island where we visited Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary and days later camped and kayaked in a remote fjord area of the Hubbard Glacier. A couple of years later Pieter visited us in our home and NOW here we are starting our European vacation with Pieter and staying at his home.

Gouda, Holland

  Pieter met us at the airport in Amsterdam and took us back to his home in Gouda, yes, like in the cheese. Boy do we Americans mispronounce the name. It’s pronounced How-da. Wonderful cheese and the town is fantastic. Pieter lives with Miesha (“little girl”) a lovely pastel tiger-striped cat in a 3 level apartment that dates to the mid 1700s and just a block away the church and public buildings date to the early and mid 1600s. The room in his home with most character was the toilet that displayed postcards and memorabilia. We felt honored to have several posting on the wall.


I expected to see lots of water and canals in Holland (Pieter prefers the name Holland over The Netherlands … and so do I) but I was really surprised at how many canals there are. There seemed to be nearly one canal for every street in the country. As Pieter said if you drive drunk you have an opportunity to drown on every corner.

The street Pieter lives on The windmill outside Pieter's backdoor Canals in Gouda Gouda City Hall

We visited Den Haag and were in the right spot at the right time to see the Prime Minister of The Netherlands walk out of his office get in his car and drive away. We also drove around Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Edam.

Views from around Den Haag

Prime Minister is in this car
and driving away

Views from around Amsterdam

Thousands and thousands of
bicycles in a two story bike garage.

The North Sea Edam

Madurodam - http://www.madurodam.nl
We also visited Madurodam which represents the best of Holland in miniature. If you go to Holland this is a good place to start. It gives you an idea of everything to see and do in Holland.

Zannse Schans
The Zaanse Schans is a delightful old hamlet on the banks of the river Zaan with characteristic green wooden houses, charming stylized gardens, small hump-backed bridges, tradesmen's workshops, historic windmills and engaging little shops. This enchanting hamlet gives an excellent impression of how a typical Zaanse village must have looked like in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. - http://www.zaanseschans.nl/EN.html

Holland is a wonderfully beautiful and friendly country. Thanks Pieter and Measha for a great time!

Pieter dropped us off at the Rotterdam airport where we picked up our Renault rental car and were off on the next part of our vacation … [Traveling with Dieter and Liz in Germany]



Europe 2004
Traveling with Pieter in Holland | Traveling with Dieter and Liz in Germany
Traveling on Our Own in Büdingen, Germany | Traveling on Our Own in Europe
Pinnecker Family History in Büdingen | The City of Frogs

John Wall's home page | Genealogy

Last Revised: December 15, 2007
email John Wall